These 12 Christmas Party Activities and Treats will keep little ones happy and busy at the kids’ table while you celebrate the holidays this season.
During the busy holiday season, when we’re entertaining and gathering with friends, family and neighbours, having a kids’ table set up where the children can gather to play and create is always a great idea.

Whether you’re planning the party games and activities for your preschool Christmas party or looking for crafts and treats for the kids at your family’s Christmas party, you’ll love these fun and easy ideas.
Pour a mug of hot cocoa or a chilled glass of eggnog and catch up with the grown-ups while the kids are kept entertained with these festive activities!
12 Christmas Party Activities for Kids
Pin-Up Christmas Tree Activity for Toddlers and Preschoolers: This is one of my all-time favourite Christmas activities for toddlers and preschoolers. It’s like a DIY version of these felt tree activities you can buy.
Decorating this giant Christmas tree with crafty odds and ends is a wonderful way to keep little ones entertained at a Christmas party or a holiday play date.
Buy a felt tree set with ornaments here.
Cardboard Gingerbread House Activity: This is another great Christmas activity for a group of young children to work on together.
Cut out a “gingerbread house” from cardboard, and have the kids decorate it with crafty odds and ends. This is a super activity to set up on a table that the kids can come and go from, adding bits and pieces as they please throughout the day.
Buy a Step2 “My First Gingerbread House” here.
Build a Snowman Activity Tray: This simple activity always a huge hit with the toddlers and preschoolers and another great one to set up for a group of kids at a kids’ Christmas party.
Buy a Step2 My First Snowman here.
Mitten Match-Up Activity for Toddlers and Preschoolers – this is a fun one for the toddler table at a holiday party.
It’s super-easy to make this matching activity, and little ones just love it. Adding small clothespins to the activity helps kids to develop their fine-motor skills.
Buy a Festive Mitten Match game here.
This Christmas Cookie Playdough Activity will entertain kids of all ages at a Christmas get-together or all December long in a daycare or preschool setting.
This 4-minute no-cook dough is really easy to make, and super soft and supple. Add a tray of buttons, ribbon and beads, and the kids will have a blast playing with their “Christmas Cookie Factory”.
OR, you can buy a Play Doh Sprinkle Cookie Factory here.
Paper Candy Canes are really fun and easy to make, and a little addictive too! This activity will keep the older kids at a Christmas party busy for ages.
Making paper candy canes doesn’t require any fancy supplies either – just paper, markers, ruler and scissors!
Milk Carton Gingerbread Village – This is another activity that kids of all ages will enjoy at the kids’ table at a Christmas party. Set out a bunch of buttons, gems, beads and foam bits and the kids can make a Gingerbread Village together.
Christmas Village Sensory Bin – You can never go wrong with a sensory bin. Little kids love them! Pick up Christmas village pieces when you spot them at second-hand shops and yard sales, and you’ll be able to set up a winter wonderland that the preschoolers will love.
If you’re worried about the mess that a bin of rice might make, use cotton balls or quilt batting as a base instead.
Snow Ice Cream – Want to make your Christmas party truly memorable? Make delicious snow ice cream with this easy, three-ingredient recipe! The kids AND the grownups will love this one, and chances are, it will be the start of an annual tradition for your gang.
Maple Syrup Snow Candy – similar to the snow ice cream idea, making maple syrup candy on the snow is a great activity to do with the kids every winter. And it’s so easy! You just need snow and maple syrup! This is another great tradition to do with the kids year after year.
Looking for kid-friendly treats to serve at your Christmas party this year?
Now that you’ve got all these great ideas for activities to keep the kids entertained at your Christmas party, here are a few treats you can serve while they’re having fun.
Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Crisps are so easy to make and SO delicious. You get about 10 crisps out of one large tortilla, so you can make a bunch in no time. They’re baked in the oven, so they’re super-simple to whip up. The kids can even help you make them.
Cinnamon-Sugar Snowflakes – Here’s a really easy snack to serve the kids at your holiday party! You an bake these crispy, delicious snowflakes in minutes.
Big Soft Ginger Cookies – these amazing cookies will be a hit with the kids and the adults at any Christmas party. They pack all the flavour of gingerbread into a soft, chewy cookie.
Activities for Outdoor Winter Parties:
10 Creative Snow Play Activities for Kids
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Jackie is a mom, wife, home daycare provider, and the creative spirit behind Happy Hooligans. She specializes in kids’ crafts and activities, easy recipes, and parenting. She began blogging in 2011, and today, Happy Hooligans inspires more than 2 million parents, caregivers and Early Years Professionals all over the globe.