12 Homemade Father’s Day Gifts that Kids can Make

For Dads, there’s nothing quite as meaningful as receiving a homemade Father’s Day gift from their child on their special day. Below, you’ll find 12 thoughtful Father’s Day Crafts for kids of all ages to make. They’re perfect for dads, step-dads, grandfathers, or any other influential father-figure. 

Father’s Day always falls on the 3rd Sunday in June.

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and I know your crafty kids are going to want to make something fabulous for Dad’s special day.

The hooligans have made some terrific Father’s Day crafts over the years, so I thought I’d put them all right here in one handy post for you.

If you’re looking for homemade Father’s Day Cards, you’ll find our favourites here.

These Father’s Day gifts are all easy to make, and the kids in my daycare have been VERY proud to give them to their Dads. And from what I’ve heard, their Dads were touched and honoured to receive them.

Feel free to refer to this post whenever your child needs to make a special gift for a man, whether it’s dad or grandpa or an uncle or even a neighbour or teacher.

Father’s Day Crafts for Kids – Easy Homemade Gifts and Cards

Father's Day Crafts - Homemade Father's Day Gifts and Cards for Kids to MakeFather's Day Crafts - Homemade Father's Day Gifts and Cards for Kids to Make

 Click on the links below the photos to see the full instructions for each craft.

Homemade Father’s Day Cards for Kids:

Before we dive into the gifts, let’s start with homemade Father’s Day cards. Each of these card involves a fun art process, and is the perfect accompaniment to the gift your child will give to Dad on his special day.

Homemade Father’s Day Gifts Kids can Make

Paint Stick Garden Markers are perfect Dad’s vegetable garden or herb garden. These are really quick and easy to make, so they’re perfect if you’ve left your Father’s Day crafting until the last minute.

steps for making fathers day mug and bowl with tape resiststeps for making fathers day mug and bowl with tape resist

Tape Resist Mug and Bowl:  This tape resist process is a fun way to create a custom design for Dad. This was one of the Father’s Day gifts we made last year. It’s a matching mug and bowl set, personalized just for Dad.

Pour Painted Paper Weights Father's Day craftPour Painted Paper Weights Father's Day craft

We also have some cool paper mache bowls here that are great for holding pocket change, paper clips etc. Pour Painted Paper Weights:  Paper weights are always popular for Father’s Day.  Check out how we made these funky beach rock paper weights with a simple but fascinating pour-painting process!

painted rock paper weights for preschoolers and toddlers to make for Fathers Daypainted rock paper weights for preschoolers and toddlers to make for Fathers Day

Painted Beach Stone Paper Weights:  These paper weights are so easy that even the toddlers will be able to make a gorgeous, handmade gift for Dad!

coffee can cd with CDs hanging for Father's Day Wind Chimecoffee can cd with CDs hanging for Father's Day Wind Chime

Coffee Can and CD Wind Chimes:  These wind chimes make a perfect Father’s Day gift for a Dad who loves music and coffee!  It’s a great way to repurpose some old CDs that don’t play anymore too!

We have lots more wind chime ideas here.

scratch art family portrait for kids to make for Father's Dayscratch art family portrait for kids to make for Father's Day

Scratch Art Family Portrait:  What Dad wouldn’t love a hand-drawn family portrait from his child for Father’s Day?  This classic art technique is so easy and fun.  Place the finished artwork into an inexpensive frame, and your child will have a beautiful Father’s Day gift to present Dad with.

Sample word clouds for Father's Day giftSample word clouds for Father's Day gift

A framed word cloud is really fun and easy to make! With this easy-step-by-step tutorial, kids can choose a shape and fill it in with all kinds of words that describe their Dad. Pop your word cloud into a frame, and Dad will be honoured to display it on his desk or in his office.

Wool Wrapped Pen Holder to make for Father's DayWool Wrapped Pen Holder to make for Father's Day

Wool Wrapped Pen Holder:  We used take-out coffee cups to make these colourful pen holders.  Have your child choose yarn in Dad’s favourite colours, and he’ll have a handy place to stash his pens and pencils at the office or at home.

Fridge magnets toddlers can make for Father's DayFridge magnets toddlers can make for Father's Day

Hand-Painted Fridge Magnets: This is one of my favourite Father’s Day gifts for toddlers to make.  It’s very easy to turn one of your child’s masterpieces into an original and beautiful fridge magnet!

homemade duct tape bookmarkshomemade duct tape bookmarks

Homemade Duct Tape Bookmarks:  Bookmarks are a great gift for a parent who loves to read. These duct tape bookmarks are super-easy to make for Father’s Day, and so fitting for Dad. Dads love duct tape, right?

tee shirt with roads for father's day gifttee shirt with roads for father's day gift

This back massage tee-shirt is every Dad’s dream!  Ok, who’s kidding who?  I want one of these for Mother’s Day! – The Blue Basket

sharpie and tape resist mug for Dadsharpie and tape resist mug for Dad

Kids can use permanent markers to make Dad this customized coffee mug for Father’s Day. – I Heart Arts n Crafts

Pop art mug kids can make for dadPop art mug kids can make for dad

And here’s one last creative Father’s Day craft that I absolutely adore!  Make “pop art” for your Pops! Simply trace a favourite photo of Dad, and then colour it in, and frame it or transfer it onto a mug.  What a fantastic personalized gift for Father’s Day!

Don’t forget the homemade gift-wrap!

Kids can make their homemade Father’s Day gift even more special by wrapping it in homemade gift-wrap they’ve made themselves. We have two homemade gift-wrap posts: One requires liquid watercolours and one requires acrylic craft paints.

12 Fab Homemade Father's Day Gifts - Happy Hooligans12 Fab Homemade Father's Day Gifts - Happy Hooligans

More kid-made gift ideas: 

Get the 3-5 Playful Preschool e-Book!

25+preschool activities by 25 bloggers, 10 printables, plus links to 50 additional crafts and activities all for $8.99!

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3-5 Playful Preschool 3-book3-5 Playful Preschool 3-book

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