Free Kids Joke Book: 51 Pages of Hysterically Funny Jokes

Today we have a free printable eBook with the best jokes for kids. In fact, we know they are the best jokes for kids because kids made them up and submitted them to us for this awesome funny joke pdf that has over 50 pages of kid-friendly jokes. You can download and print kids joke book pages you want to read right now or leave the pdf on your phone or computer.

Let’s tell some funny jokes for kids…{giggle}

Joke Books for Kids

If you know us here at Kids Activities Blog, you know we love to giggle and laugh! These are some of our favorite jokes – from the classic knock-knock joke to the silly pun, this jokes for kids book has it all. And the best thing is that it is free and you can get it right now for a good laugh!

Pull the children off of video games because that is the last place they will want to be when they see the giggles involved in these silly jokes.

What did the palm tree wear to the pool party?

Swimming Trunks!

Funny Jokes for Kids Free eBook

This kids joke book was compiled and illustrated by Josh Manges from the kids jokes submitted on our Facebook page @quirkymomma. We couldn’t help giggling at the results of hundreds of LOL jokes, puns, knock-knock jokes, riddles, pranks and more.

Download these Favorite Funny Jokes pdf Here

This will be a piece of cake! Simple press this button and follow the directions…your funny jokes for kids eBook will arrive nearly instantly.

Little Horse that Fell Over Joke for Kids - Kids Activities Blog Silly Joke eBook
Help! I have fallen and I can’t get up & other silly jokes for kids!

Corny Jokes inside the Kids Joke Book

This is going to take a minute to summarize all the way we are going to make your kids laugh…but I think it is totally worth it.

Lions live on Mane Street Joke with bee jokes and cookie jokes - Kids Activities Blog - pdf of kids joke book
Sprinkled throughout the kids joke book are fun pranks kids can pull.

The pages are set up as a printable pdf that you can cut in half and make a book that is 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, or you can keep it the traditional paper size or use it digitally as an eBook. Each page has multiple silly jokes including knock knock jokes, but one is featured with Josh’s illustrations:

  1. Kids Joke Book Cover: The Book Jokes for Kids, From Kids compiled by Josh Manges with Kids Activities Blog
  2. Bees holding hands
  3. Dinosaur that won’t take a bath
  4. Blackbird that is not a blackbird
  5. Armless spider
  6. Fly without wings or is that time fly?
  7. Teddy bear talk
  8. Shopping cow – you may need to hide your credit card
  9. Pig with sores
  10. Dinosaur police
  11. Ground beef
  12. Camel wearing hats
  13. Turkey crossed the road
  14. Octopus laugh out loud chicken
  15. Shark spitting out a clown because they are bad liars
  16. Turtle telephones home
  17. Street that lions live – watch for the traffic light!
  18. Little horse that fell over
  19. Scared numbers
  20. Seagulls with holes in them
  21. Alligator in a vest
  22. Hummingbirds singing & long necked giraffes that could make a pony sing
  23. Bee love
  24. Scarecrow awards
  25. Ghost vacation
  26. Pork chop
  27. Gym rat hamburger
  28. One sick cookie
  29. Gorilla nostrils with a little boogie
  30. Elephant in a phone booth
  31. Blind dinosaur
  32. Hot watch dog!
  33. Cat in the dryer
  34. Cannibals diet
  35. Oranges who run marathons
  36. Something brown and sticky that doesn’t belong in a garbage truck
  37. Clapping T-Rex probably won’t be good at a musical instrument
  38. Very old ant…where is the little old lady?
  39. Game playing elephant
  40. Dracula is in jail
  41. Darth Vader has breakfast
  42. LOL only more…
  43. Swollen nose
  44. Kissing big flower
  45. Reading cow
  46. Eyes conversation starts with the left eye
  47. Hammer crossed with a cookie
  48. Banana went to the doctor
  49. Suntanning old snowman won’t be a guest at your next baseball game
  50. Ocean motion
  51. Pirate gets ears pierced
  52. Sleeping broom
  53. Horseshoe clues
  54. Train and the math book

These are no dad jokes. Nope! Not a bad joke!

Wait…if dad reads them to you, do they suddenly become dad jokes?

Why did the chicken cross the road joke and more - Kids Activities Blog joke eBook for kids - pdf version of kids joke book with spider jokes, little dog jokes and hummingbird jokes
Why did the chicken cross the road…I mean the turkey?

Start at the beginning of the book and read through the big words {giggle} of the funniest jokes. My favorite are the animal jokes from spelling bee, bald eagle to polar bears on the north pole.

Whenever you need good jokes, just grab your eBook or printed version.

Cows with credit cards joke and more from Kids Activities Blog jokes for kids ebook - plane crash joke, shower, pink fluff and moo york jokes
Hide your credit cards the cows are headed Northeast…

What plant can grow right out of your hand?

A Palm Tree!

One of the things we suggest is to print off pages that you think are funny, cut them in half and send them to school in your child’s lunchbox which is a great way to give them a noontime giggle. Even if they are in high school {LOL}. Or maybe they start their own school stand-up routine.

They will be one wise quacker!

What kind of water is best for swimming?

Salt water because pepper will just make you sneeze!

Why the dinosaur will not take a bath joke and others from Kids Activities Blog eBook of jokes for kids pdf
Make the joke book for your teddy bear!

More Good Jokes from Kids Activities Blog

Which of the funny jokes for kids was your favorite in the printable eBook? Did your kids enjoy the silly jokes?

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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