Active Indoor Winter Activities for Kids

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If you live anywhere that you get subzero temps, you will have days that you absolutely need some indoor winter activities for the kids to do.

Winter can conjure all kinds of warm and cozy images. Hot cocoa, swirling snowflakes and fuzzy mittens… everyone all snug inside.

It really is lovely. But, at least in my own home we have to burn off a little energy or the snug and cozy quickly turns into wild and crazy!

Indoor Winter Activities that Burn Off Energy!

These are a few of our favorite indoor winter activities that are also sure to get the kids moving!

Have an indoor snowball fight

Whether you use balled up socks or crumpled tissue paper this is sure to get everyone moving.

We like to spend some gathering our snowballs and declaring bases; then once the “snow balls” are all expended we declare a truce so that we can gather up new snowballs.

For easy clean up have a snowball free throw into a laundry basket.

Active indoor winter activities for kids - have a snowball fight!

Ice caves and snow forts

I love this activity because it engages imagination as well as gross motor skills. It was inspired by a picture book I read to my kids several years ago called The Very Last First Time by Jan Andrews about a young girl’s trip into an ice cave.

Ever since reading it, my kids have loved creating ice caves and snow forts out of pillows and blankets before setting off on all kinds of frozen adventures. (You certainly don’t need to read the book to enjoy this activity but it’s a great story if you’re looking for a wintery story to read.)

Play indoor ice hockey

I always hanging onto our spent wrapping paper tubes just so we can play indoor hockey.

Simply bend the bottom part of the roll and tape to hold in the shape of a hockey stick, add a ball, a sock  or jar lid and you are ready to play.

You can even make it more like ice hockey by combining it with paper plate ice skating.

Active indoor winter activities for kids - play ice hockey!

Dance like a penguin

Penguins are so adorable and it’s almost impossible to keep a straight face while pretending to be one. Put on some music and dance like a penguin…you can even freeze dance if it’s not too chilly!

Transitioning to slow down.

After burning off all that winter energy, you may find that you need a transition activity get everyone settled down such as a drawing to soothing music, listening to a story or playing with play dough.

Find 5 ways to turn around a crazy day for some helpful ideas.

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