Adorable Homemade Gift Tags With Cookie Cutters

Make homemade gift tags for your Christmas gifts this year! It’s an inexpensive and fun way to make your gifts look great! Easy enough for kids to make but so charming, you’ll want to make a bunch yourself!

These homemade gift tags are great for any occasion but they’re especially fitting if the kids are giving a homemade gift or one wrapped in homemade wrapping paper.

I’ve always enjoyed making my own gift tags at Christmas time. For years, I would keep all of the Christmas cards we’d received the year before, and I’d spend an evening cutting them into assorted shapes and sizes so we’d have a big stash of Christmas card gift tags to attach to our gifts when we were wrapping.

Homemade Gift Cards are fun and easy to make! They don't cost a thing and you never have to worry about running out of your store-bought tags - Happy Hooligans #Christmas #kids #crafts #cookiecutters #giftsHomemade Gift Cards are fun and easy to make! They don't cost a thing and you never have to worry about running out of your store-bought tags - Happy Hooligans #Christmas #kids #crafts #cookiecutters #gifts

With the mailing of Christmas cards on the decline, we just don’t get many anymore, so I’ve resorted to buying store-bought gift tags these past few years. The trouble is, when you run out, or if you can’t find them when you need them, you’re stuck.

Last week, I received a gift with this simple snowman gift tag on it, and I realized I don’t need Christmas cards to make gift tags! All you need is a cereal box and a cookie cutter!

cereal box cookie cutters yarncereal box cookie cutters yarn

I set the kids up with a few supplies, and they made a whole bunch! It was really fun and easy. We’re all set for Christmas now – every gift will have one of these rustic homemade gift tags on it.

Making your own gift tags:

  • saves money
  • means you never have to worry about running out of gift tags
  • is an opportunity to repurpose a few empty boxes
  • gives the kids an excuse to get crafty
  • will keep the kids busy so you can focus on some Christmas prep
  • adds an extra degree of thoughtfulness to a gift

Call the kids over to the screen, and we’ll show them how easy they are to make.

supplies for making homemade gift tags with cookie cutterssupplies for making homemade gift tags with cookie cutters

To make our Homemade Gift Tags, you’ll need:

  • assorted Christmas cookie cutters
  • cereal box
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • hole punch
  • ribbon or twine


tracing cookie cutter on cereal boxtracing cookie cutter on cereal box

Begin by placing your cookie cutters on the cardboard and tracing around your cookie cutters.

cutting out snowman shaped gift tagcutting out snowman shaped gift tag

Next, cut out the shapes that you’ve traced.

writing on homemade gift tagwriting on homemade gift tag

Write your message on your adorable cookie cutter gift tag.

If you’ll be attaching your gift tag to a gift bag, punch a hole in the top of the gift tag and thread some ribbon or twine through. If you’ll be taping the gift tag to a present, there’s no need to punch a hole.

homemade gift tags from cereal boxhomemade gift tags from cereal box

Now, get wrapping and attach all of your sweet little gift tags to your gifts.

Aren’t they just too cute?

Cereal Box and Cookie Cutter Gift TagsCereal Box and Cookie Cutter Gift Tags

Homemade gift tags for everyone this Christmas!

You may also like:

How To Wrap a Gift in a Brown Paper Bag

Homemade Gift Wrap with Coloured Ice Pops

Homemade Christmas Cards for Kids to Make

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