Christmas Sparkle Cloud Dough

Click here to read Christmas Sparkle Cloud Dough on Hands On As We Grow®

Cloud dough is awesome! I can’t believe its taken me this long to make it with the boys!

If you have not made cloud dough yet, it’s a lot like the texture of brown sugar. Crumbly and loose, but can be compacted together too!

And its simple to make too!

To make cloud dough, all you need is cornstarch and vegetable oil. Check The Imagination Tree’s post for Cloud Snow Dough for the exact ratio. That’s just a guideline though because I just added to it until I thought the texture felt right and it was able to stick together.

(Note: I’ve since found out that Cloud Dough can be made with flour instead of cornstarch! We always have flour on hand, so that will be our go to ingredient next time.)

I just dumped the two ingredients on a tray and mixed them up with George to make cloud dough. Since its Christmas-time, I grabbed red and green glitter to add a little sparkle to the dough for the holidays. Plus, George loves glitter and he loved adding it to the mixture!

Cloud Dough Texture

George was all over this! He played with the sparkly cloud dough the entire morning while Henry was at school. He thought it was fantastic! I gave him some measuring cups to press the cloud dough into to make bricks or balls.

We even made a little snowman together too!

Cloud Dough Compacted

We even had a little ‘writing’ practice in the cloud dough since its much like flour when it’s not compacted!

Writing in Cloud Dough

I honestly don’t know why its taken us so long to make this sensory dough! It really is awesome. The texture of its is so hard to describe… kind of silky I guess! Your hands will feel silky too after you’ve played with it all morning!

I’d love to hear if you’ve played with Cloud Dough yet. Yay or Nay?

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