Cinnamon Playdough Recipe: How To Make & Fun Ideas for Play

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This simple cinnamon playdough recipe smells amazing and only takes a few minutes to make.

With only three steps, your kids (and you!) will be able to quickly enjoy hands-on activities that are perfect for sensory play in the fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any time of year. It’s a frugal DIY way to help your kids have fun while building important skills.

We’ve used this homemade playdough recipe for years to take creative play and learning to the next level. It stores very well and adds a festive aroma to your room when in use.

Example of cinnamon playdough recipe with cinnamon sticks and the letters C I N N A M O N.Example of cinnamon playdough recipe with cinnamon sticks and the letters C I N N A M O N.

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