Community Helpers Math Activities for Preschool

Do you teach a community helpers theme in your preschool or pre-k classroom? You can help your kids celebrate all the different types of work that people do by extending the learning into your community helpers math center activities.

As your kids participate in these fun, hands-on community helpers math center activities around a common theme, they will begin to develop important math skills that will help them build a solid foundation for future math success.

Community Helpers Math Activities

Community Helpers Math Activities

Your kids are going to love these fun, hands-on community helpers activities and games that will help them develop number sense and build important math skills like counting, one-to-one correspondence, numeral recognition and more!

Here are just some of the helpers you might want to include in your community helpers preschool theme:

  • Construction workers
  • Librarian
  • Teacher
  • Custodian
  • Sanitation worker (garbage truck)
  • Veterinarian
  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Mail Carrier/Postal Worker
  • Fire Fighter
  • Doctor
  • Farmer

Community Helpers Theme Math ActivitiesCommunity Helpers Theme Math Activities

Community Helpers Graph

Are your kids learning about the concept of more and less? Here’s a community helpers activity that will provide your students with a fun way to collect and record data! Students will enjoy rolling the cube and recording their rolls on the recording sheet. This printable activity is available in the Community Helper Bundle.

Check out this research-based, playful learning unit in our curriculum shop!

A bundle of of my most popular community helper resources, math, literacy, dramatic play and more! Make learning fun with these hands-on resources!

Counting Book

Are your kids learning how to count to 5 and recognize numerals? These easy to assemble community helpers printable booklets help reinforce number sense, numeral identification, and counting; there are 3 different versions available in the Community Helper Bundle.

Community Helpers Patterns

Help your students develop logical thought and reasoning skills with this patterning activity available in the Community Helper Bundle.

Community Helpers Theme Spin and CoverCommunity Helpers Theme Spin and Cover

Races Game

Are your kids learning how to count with one-to-one correspondence? This fun community helper races game will help build number sense and one to one correspondence skills. Students will roll a die and move their playing piece towards the hospital. You can find this activity in the Community Helper Bundle.

Path Board Game

Here’s a fun board game that supports the development of number sense and one-to-one correspondence skills. Can you help the police officer get to the station? This printable board game is located in the Community Helper Bundle.

Numeral Quantity Game

This is the ultimate number sense game! Invite your kids to identify the numeral on each garbage truck, and then match the garbage bags with the correct quantity to their mat. This game is available in the Community Helper Bundle.

Number Puzzles

Two different versions of puzzles are available, one with numerals 1-5 and another with numerals 1-10. The number puzzles are available in the Community Helper Bundle.

Spin and Cover Games

The Community Helper Bundle includes 4 different spin and cover games for your little learners to practice number sense, numeral recognition, counting, colors, and shapes.

Visual Discrimination

Learning how to identify similarities and differences in pictures is an important skill for young children to learn. Use these printable visual discrimination cards from the Community Helper Bundle for fun, themed practice.

Numeral Sensory Writing Cards

You can use these numeral cards in your writing center, or place them in a sensory tray for a more engaging writing activity. Students will use the index finger of their dominant hand (if they have one) to write the letters in the sand. Get your set in the Community Helper Bundle.

Community Helpers Books

Oh, and you’re going to want some good community helpers books to read aloud to your kids! Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, you can find a huge list of age-appropriate community helper books for preschool HERE.

More Community Helper Resources

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