DIY Vintage Look Bells – Design Dazzle

Hi everyone! It’s Jess from Everyday Party Magazine and I am so excited to be back for another year of Christmas Wonderful! If you have been on social media or flipped through a Pottery Barn catalog this holiday season, you have, no doubt, seen the vintage style holiday bells all over. And, if you are like me, you may have gasped a little gasp when you saw the price. So, I am thrilled to share how to make your own DIY Vintage Look Bells for a fraction of the cost. 

Let’s get started on this simple and adorable DIY project. I was able to find everything I needed at the dollar store and my local hardware store. However, you may have some supplies at home already. 

I wanted to make a group of three bells, so I bought three (gaudy) holiday bells and a two pack of premade bows at the dollar store. Then, I bought a metallic spray paint and ¾″ rope at the hardware store. I already had hot glue, jute, and flat black spray paint at home. 

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First, remove the decorative accents from the tops of the bells. 

Then, spray paint them black. Be sure to paint the inside of the bells too. Once the black paint has dried, paint them with the metallic spray paint. Alternate spraying light coats of each color until you are satisfied with the look. I did three coats of black and two coats of metallic paint. 

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After the paint has fully dried, you can thread the rope through the bells. I tied a knot in the rope to secure the bells where I wanted them. I added two bells to one longer piece of rope, and one bell to a shorter piece of rope. I wanted the bells to be clustered together, so I secured the shorter rope to the longer rope near the top bell. I looped each piece of rope and secured it to itself with hot glue and jute.

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Finally, I added a premade bow to the top and hung the bells in my she-shed. It is the perfect addition to my barn. And I am so thrilled I was able to recreate these vintage look bells for about $15 with plenty of supplies left over. 

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If you want to see more DIYs, free printables, recipes, and more, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and my Blog


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