Easy and Adorable Popsicle Stick Ninja Ornaments

These Popsicle Stick Ninja Ornaments are a great craft for boys to make for the Christmas Tree. They’re quick and easy to make with popsicle sticks, paint, googly eyes and fabric scraps.

We’ve made a ton of popsicle stick Christmas ornaments over the years, and these popsicle stick ninjas are the latest addition to the collection.

The inspiration for these popsicle stick ninjas came from a two other crafts we’ve made recently.  These cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ornaments got me thinking about the whole ninja trend, and the process that we used to make the faces for these adorable popsicle stick Santas made the lightbulb go on for me.

To make our Popsicle Stick Ninjas, you’ll need:


popsicle sticks, paint and google eyespopsicle sticks, paint and google eyes

Making your ninjas:

Start by taping off the face area on your popsicle stick. Just place a piece of tape across the stick.  Put it up fairly close to the top or your ninja will look like he’s wearing a black top-hat.  How do I know this?  Let’s just say there might be a few top-hat wearing ninjas hanging toward the backside Christmas tree as we speak. 😉

IMG_5974IMG_5974 Once you have your tape in place, your kids can paint the entire length of the popsicle stick black.

Your paint will dry fairly quickly, but you can always give it a shot with the hair dryer if you want to speed things up.  That’s a favourite little crafting secret of mine.  Why wait around when you don’t have to, right?

When your paint is dry, peel off the tape to reveal your ninja’s face. Now glue on a couple of googly eyes. And glue a loop of cording to the back of your popsicle stick.


popsicle stick ninjas with googly eyespopsicle stick ninjas with googly eyes

Now at this point, I’d planned to be done, but I felt like they were missing something.  Aha!  A belt!

Popsicle Stick Ninja Ornaments for kids to makePopsicle Stick Ninja Ornaments for kids to make

Back to the craft table we went, and I cut three strips of cloth from a scrap of flannel. We tied those in place, and our ninja popsicle stick ornaments were complete!

Popsicle Stick Ninja with Red BeltPopsicle Stick Ninja with Red Belt

Aren’t they cute?  And easy enough that you could make a whole bunch to hang on your tree or attach to prezzies as gift-toppers.

And if that wasn’t enough, check out these adorable popsicle stick mummies (and ninjas) over at Crafts By Amanda!

popsicle stick mummies by Crafts by Amandapopsicle stick mummies by Crafts by Amanda

Looking for more easy and inexpensive Christmas crafts for kids?

You’ll find tons of ideas right here on my Happy Hooligans Christmas Crafts Pinboard!  Check it out!

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