Easy Button Christmas Tree Ornaments & Table Toppers

These button Christmas trees can be made as tree ornaments or table toppers. Using a glue gun keeps the process quick and easy, but if you’d rather, you can thread your buttons together with a needle and metallic thread, the old fashioned way.

Skill Development: fine motor, colour sorting, size order, glue gun experience.

We have a rather large button collection here in my daycare, and we love using these buttons for crafting. My toddlers and preschoolers made these vintage button wreath ornaments one year, but I’ve been dying to make these stacked button Christmas trees with my older kids.

Button Christmas Tree Ornaments made with a glue gunButton Christmas Tree Ornaments made with a glue gun

A glue gun makes it easy!

At first I thought we’d use a needle and thread to put our button trees together, but then it dawned on me that a glue gun would make the process much easier, so that’s what we did.

You may also like our button snowman Christmas cards.

Child gluing purple buttons together with glue gunChild gluing purple buttons together with glue gun

Attaching the string

The only question was – how to attach the string at the top. I mean, if you were threading the buttons together, you’d have a thread leftover at the top to hang the ornaments with, but when you’re gluing your buttons together, that’s not the case.

Pony beads to the rescue!

By adding a pony bead to the top of our trees, we were able to slip some thread through the bead, and voila… a thread to hang it from. Plus, the bead doubles as a decorative topper for our button trees.

Kids have the best ideas…

The cool thing about crafting with kids, is they often have ideas of their own that are better than what I’ve come up with.

Hang them on the tree, OR…

I had hanging ornaments in mind for this craft, but the kids decided, completely on their own, that some of their button trees would be table toppers instead of hanging ornaments, so they glued an extra-large button to the base of their trees so they’d stand up without tipping over.

10 Small Christmas tree ornaments made with colourful buttons standing on tabletop10 Small Christmas tree ornaments made with colourful buttons standing on tabletop

Wouldn’t it be fun to put one of these at each place setting at your Christmas dinner table? All of your guests will get to take their own little button Christmas tree home with them. Brilliant!

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Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Make a Button Christmas Tree (Glue Gun Method)

  1. Choose Your Buttons

    Have your kids select 8-12 buttons in one colour family – i.e. various shades of blues/greens, various shades of pinks/purples. The buttons should vary in sizes from large to small.

    For the trunk of the tree, have them select a few small brown buttons.

  2. Sort buttons by size

    Lay both sets of buttons out on the table in order from largest to smallest.

  3. Glue buttons together

    Using a low-heat glue gun, glue the buttons together, starting with the largest coloured button on the bottom, working upwards, finishing with the smallest buttons on top.

  4. Add a bead

    Glue a pony bead to the very top button. A star or a heart is especially pretty, but even a regular pony bead will do.

  5. Attach the trunk

    Glue the brown buttons together in order from biggest to smallest, and glue the trunk to the bottom of the button tree.

  6. For a Hanging Ornament:

    If you’ll be hanging your ornament, slip a piece of metallic thread through the holes in the pony bead and secure with a knotbutton Christmas tree ornaments on christmas treebutton Christmas tree ornaments on christmas tree

  7. For a Table Topper

    If you’ll be using your button trees as table top decorations, glue an extra large button to the bottom of your tree trunk to provide a base for standing.

blue and white button christmas tree with gold star on topblue and white button christmas tree with gold star on top

Aren’t these just the sweetest little Christmas trees? And what a great way to use up some of the buttons in your button bin.

Colourful button Christmas trees standing on bed of white quilt battingColourful button Christmas trees standing on bed of white quilt batting

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