Spring and bunnies just go together, regardless of the holidays you may celebrate this time of year. So adding a large (and might I add pretty cute!) bunny drawing to your collection of spring art projects is a no-brainer.
This tutorial in particular is one of those that is perfect for younger elementary students, even kinders. Even if they are just learning how to follow step by step instructions, this might be a good one to try out. The recognizable shapes and lines (circles, half circles, curves, zig zags) are all familiar and easy to recognize. The fact that they are all placed symmetrically on the paper is a plus too.
There are lots of coloring options for this bunny, once the drawing is finished. Students could go natural with a combination of brown, grays and white, or completely abstract like a made up Easter bunny too. The sample shown above was actually layered with crayons, gray and gold first, brown on top. Not all crayons will do that, but it’s always nice to know some do, in case that’s all that is available.