Easy How to Draw a Snowflake Tutorial and Coloring Page

Inside you’ll find an easy step-by-step How to Draw a Snowflake Tutorial and Snowflake Coloring Page. It’s a great way to mix a little bit of math with art.

Snowflake Drawing

Snowflake Drawing

If you’d like to teach your students how to draw snowflakes that are a bit more realistic than just crossing a few Xs, but they are not quite ready for a discussion about geometry either, then try this method for drawing a simple snowflake. They make an excellent example of radial symmetry, which is a topic that younger elementary students can understand. It’s also easy to tweak this snowflake drawing for a bit of variety. For example, the diamonds on the tips could be circles instead. And the Vs on the inside could be inverted or changed to lines. Just be sure to emphasize that all snowflakes have six sides to them, and that whatever they draw on one of the points, has to be repeated for the other five. That’s what makes radial symmetry work.

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A step by step tutorial for how to draw an easy snowflake, also available as a free printable.

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How to Draw a Snowflake

Snowflake Coloring Page

Snowflake Coloring page, available as a free printable.


Watch a fun short video drawing of a Snowflake

Step by Step Directions

Time needed: 45 minutes

Draw a Simple Snowflake

  1. Draw a vertical line.

  2. Draw an X. The length and spacing needs to be the same.

  3. Add diamonds on the ends.

  4. Add matching V shapes inside.

  5. Draw outline around the outside.

  6. Add diamond shapes inside.

  7. Draw small diamonds as shown.

  8. Erase the inside lines.

  9. Trace with marker and color.

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