Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw the Easter Bunny and Easter Bunny Coloring Page. Simple shapes make it easy for all ages!
If you’d like to learn how to draw the Easter Bunny, then this cute bunny holding an egg might be just what you are looking for. His adorable face and side view of his body allow that all important tail to be on full display. The bunny shapes are big and simple, so even young elementary students and can create some cute easter drawings. The egg in this tutorial is colored with some simple stripes, but students could try to think of their own designs too. Easy Easter drawings seem to all start with bunnies and eggs, but it’s those personal touches that can make a drawing really special!
Getting Started with Drawing Guides
The best way to get students off to a good start to any drawing lesson is to show them how to use guides as a reference point. You may have noticed that all of the tutorials on this site have a dashed line running through the center of each step, in both horizontal and vertical directions. If students make their own centered lines on their own paper, before drawing, they will have an easy reference to follow. Drawing skills are all about getting the size and placement of lines on paper, so having some visual reference point to get started, will always help anyone learn how to be a little more accurate.

Easter Bunny Coloring Page

Time lapse drawing of the Easter Bunny
Prefer YouTube for your classroom videos? Click below.
Materials for Easter Bunny Project
- Drawing Paper. This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
- Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
- Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
- Crayons. The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
- Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.
Directions for Easter Bunny Project
Time needed: 45 minutes
How to Draw the Easter Bunny
- Draw a slightly tilted head shape.
- Add two ears on top.
- Draw the inside ear lines and body.
- Add the details of the face.
- Draw the feet and tail.
- Add one arm and erase the inside line.
- Draw the egg and belly line.
- Add the background.
- Trace with a marker and color.

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