Easy Tissue Paper Butterfly Craft for Preschoolers

These tissue paper clothespin butterflies are easy to make and they’ll provide your toddler with lots of fine motor development, sensory fun and an all-time favourite activity – stamping!

Butterflies are one of our favourite things to make at craft time here in my daycare in spring time. (You can find all of our butterfly crafts here.)

Preschool butterfly craft with tissue paper and clothespins

Fine motor and sensory fun

These tissue paper and clothespin butterflies are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. The clothespins help to strengthen pincer grip, and young kids love the sound and feel of tissue paper as they craft with it.

Hang them individually or make a mobile

You can hang these butterflies from the ceiling or string them into a mobile like we did with our coffee filter monarch butterflies, or even turn them into a fridge magnet like we did here.

preschooler holding butterfly made from tissue paper and clothespinpreschooler holding butterfly made from tissue paper and clothespin

Gather your Supplies

paint, tissue paper, paint brushes, googly eyes for butterfly craft paint, tissue paper, paint brushes, googly eyes for butterfly craft

To make our tissue paper clothespin butterflies, you’ll need:

  • Several sheets of tissue paper
  • clothespin
  • paint
  • googly eyes
  • pipe cleaner (optional)
  • cork for stamping (optional)

Clothespins are great for fine motor development

toddlers and preschoolers painting clothespinstoddlers and preschoolers painting clothespins

Before we started, the hooligans played around with the clothespins.  

I love using wooden clothespins for fine-motor development so I always keep a basket of them on our deck for the kids to play with.

The toddlers are happy to simply pin them to the edge of the basket while the older children love to clip face-cloths and their sun-hats on the small clothesline I’ve set up for them beside the playhouse.

Opening and closing the pegs requires strength and co-ordination, and helps children develop their pincer grip which helps prepare them for holding a pencil properly when they begin printing.

How to Make a Tissue Paper Clothespin Butterfly

  1. First, paint your clothespins

    Each hooligan painted their clothespin in the colour of their choice, covering all sides and surfaces of the peg.

  2. Add the tissue paper wings

    When they were dry, we added our tissue paper wings.  I cut the tissue paper into 12 x 8 (approx) rectangles.  You can go smaller than that, and you’ll get a smaller butterfly, but don’t go much larger, or there will be too much bulk for the clothespin to hold.

    For the wings, gather your tissue paper up by cinching it in the middle.  You can use 2 or three sheets of the same colour, or you can go with a few different colours.

    Now clamp your clothespin around the cinched part of the tissue paper, and fluff the wings up a bit.

  3. Decorate your butterfly

    The hooligans glued googly eyes to their clothespin butterfly bodies. Then to decorate the wings, they dipped wine corks into paint, and stamped the tissue paper with them.
    preschoolers making tissue paper butterfliespreschoolers making tissue paper butterflies

  4. Add an Antenna

    To make an antenna for your butterfly, fold a pipe-cleaner in half and curl each end around your finger, We attached it to the butterfly by pinching the folded “V” end of the pipe-cleaner into the clothespin to attach it to the butterfly. tissue paper butterfliestissue paper butterflies

Wouldn’t these look cute hanging in a window or in a child’s room?

purple tissue paper clothespin butterflypurple tissue paper clothespin butterfly

More Spring Crafts for Tots

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