Engineering Activities for Preschoolers – No Time For Flash Cards

Engineering seems so technical and beyond the grasp of preschoolers, but I must remind you to take the fully developed idea of engineering and break it down to its foundation. We don’t teach preschoolers Romeo and Juliet, but we teach them the basics of literacy, which they need to read Shakespeare one day. Engineering is all about design, building, and problem-solving. While your block area will be a big part of engineering activities in your preschool class, it’s not the only way to explore engineering activities in preschool. One of the most basic ways to do this is to encourage your students to draw their ideas for building on a whiteboard or piece of paper first. Make a blueprint!

Free Choice Engineering Activities for Preschoolers

I already mentioned encouraging students to make a building plan. To do this, I give my students access to the main whiteboard while building. As well as have small whiteboards available in pretend play areas too.

Here are some more great ways to explore engineering in your early childhood education classroom during free choice with great engineering activities for preschoolers.

Lego Challenges and Engineering Activities
Magnetic Builders – add in the cookie sheets!
Shaving cream and foam blocks – this is a staple in my classroom because it also fills a sensory need many students have as well!

Of course, there are so many other block activities – the block center is the heart of free-choice engineering in most classes. Check out more creative block ideas here.

Engineering Toys I LOVE for Free Play Time At Preschool

These engineering toys are the ones I use over and over – besides basic wooden blocks. These affiliate links will take you straight to each product.
Big blocks – these are a must!
Crazy Forts
Train sets ( yes that’s engineering!)
Waffle Blocks
Automoblox – we love these but they are pricey!

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