Make a Unique Dollar Bill Origami Heart with Cross

Are you looking for a creative craft that doesn’t require a lot of prep? Our dollar bill origami heart with cross is the perfect craft for you! All you need is 30 minutes of your time, a crisp dollar bill, and lots of patience! This origami project is great for older kids and adults who love folding paper.

Let’s make a fun dollar bill origami heart with cross!

Origami is a fun way to explore your creativity and enhance your fine motor skills, all while making fun home decor. This dollar bill origami heart with cross is the perfect way to practice! So grab your crisp dollar bill, find a comfy spot, and let’s get started.

Step 1

Start with a crisp dollar bill.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 1. There's a dollar bill on the table. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Let’s get started!

Step 2

Fold the left side down.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 2. The left side of the dollar bill is folded down. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Trust the process.

Step 3

Open the fold so the bill is flat again.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 3. The dollar bill is opened back up. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
It’s all about folding, unfolding, folding again…

Step 4

Fold the left side up, aligning with the previous crease line. Crease well and unfold.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 4. The left side of the dollar bill is folded up. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Always crease firmly.

Step 5

Pinch the sides on the left.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 5. The sides on the left are pinched together. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Pinch and fold.

Step 6

Squash fold the left side to form a triangle shape, making sure the sides align neatly.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 6. The left side is squash folded into a triangle shape. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold down to make a triangle.

Step 7

Fold the top and bottom sides to meet at the middle line.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 7. The top and bottom sides are folded toward the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Let’s make the halves meet in the middle.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 7. The top and bottom sides are folded toward the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold both sides!

Step 8

Open the last folds.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 9. The top layers are being opened up to form a larger triangle. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Unfolding is important for creasing.

Step 9

Holding the top layers on the triangle, open them up as shown in the picture.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 10. The layers are pushed down, creating additional folds. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
When in doubt, look at the pictures!

Step 10

Push the layers down to create the folds shown in the picture below.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 11. The dollar bill is flipped over with the triangle facing downward. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
press down.

Step 11

Flip the figure over.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 11. The dollar bill is flipped over with the triangle facing downward. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Time to flip and see the other side.

Step 12

Fold the dollar bill in half crosswise, while keeping the triangle in the same place.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 12. The dollar bill is folded in half crosswise. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
almost halfway there.

Step 13


Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 13. The fold is opened back up. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
open it back up.

Step 14

Fold a small part of the bottom up to the middle line.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 14. A small part of the bottom is folded up to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
keep going, don’t give up.

Step 15

Fold a small part of the top down to the middle line.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 15. A small part of the top is folded down to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
folding again…

Step 16

Push down to really crease!

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 16. The folds are being creased firmly. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
push down to crease.

Step 17

Flip the dollar bill over.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 17. The dollar bill is flipped over again. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
flip it over!

Step 18

Open the last folds and accordion-fold them.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 18. The dollar bill is folded into three equal parts, excluding the triangle tip. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
A little fold here and there.

Step 19

Crease tightly to keep the accordion folds in place.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 19. The last folds are opened up to begin an accordion fold. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Did you know origami helps kids with fine motor skills?

Step 20

Open the last folds and then fold only to the first quarter.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 21. The folds are opened, and only the first quarter is folded. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
It’s starting to look like a cross.

Step 21

Fold a tiny bit of the left and right corners of the right side, as shown in the pictures.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 22. The corners on the right side are folded slightly. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
let’s continue folding.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 22. The corners on the right side are folded slightly. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
fold more and more.

Step 22

Unfold the last two small folds.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 23. The small folds from the previous step are unfolded. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
unfold to let crease shows.

Step 23

Still working in that small section, fold the top and bottom sides to the middle line.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 24. The top and bottom sides are folded to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
just a few more folds.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 24. The top and bottom sides are folded to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Repeat on the other side.

Step 24

Accordion fold one time the right part, keeping a little bit unfolded. Look at the second picture to get an idea of how it would look like from the side!

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 25. The right part is being accordion folded, with a small section left unfolded. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Accordion fold, one last time!
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 25. Side view of this step. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
This is how it looks on the side.

Step 25

On the middle-right side (right before the “tail”), fold the top and bottom left corners down a little bit.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 26. The top and bottom left corners on the right side are folded down slightly. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Just a few more details.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 26. The top and bottom left corners on the right side are folded down slightly. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
we’re almost done!

Step 26

Fold the bottom and top sides to the middle line, while keeping the ends intact. We’re almost done!

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 27. The bottom and top sides are folded to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
we’re getting so close.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 27. The bottom and top sides are folded to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Fold on the top and bottom.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 27. The bottom and top sides are folded to the middle line. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
This is how your dollar bill origami should look at this moment.

Step 27

On the right ends of the left side, fold the corners down a tiny bit. This will create the heart shape.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 28. The corners on the left side are folded down a tiny bit. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Now it’s time to work on the heart.
Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 28. The corners on the left side are folded down a tiny bit. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
it’s starting to look like a heart!

Step 28

Flip the dollar bill over.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 29. The dollar bill is flipped over to see the heart and cross starting to form. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Flip it over for the last details.

Step 29

On the heart part, fold the right inner tips so it will look even more like a heart.

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 30. The right inner tips on the left section are folded to resemble a heart. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
Just one more fold…

Step 30

Your dollar bill origami heart with cross is ready!

Dollar bill origami heart with cross - Step 31. The finished origami heart with cross is shown. Tutorial from Kids Activities Blog.
wow, wasn’t that fun!?

Print Our Dollar Bill Origami Heart With Cross Tutorial

Active Time
25 minutes

Total Time
25 minutes


Estimated Cost


  1. Start with a crisp dollar bill.
  2. Fold the left side down.
  3. Open the fold so the bill is flat again.
  4. Fold the left side up, aligning with the previous crease line. Crease well and unfold.
  5. Pinch the sides on the left.
  6. Squash fold the left side to form a triangle shape, making sure the sides align neatly.
  7. Fold the top and bottom sides to meet at the middle line.
  8. Open the last folds.
  9. Holding the top layers on the triangle, open them up as shown in the picture.
  10. Push the layers down to create the folds shown in the picture below.
  11. Flip the figure over.
  12. Fold the dollar bill in half crosswise, while keeping the triangle in the same place.
  13. Open.
  14. Fold a small part of the bottom up to the middle line.
  15. Fold a small part of the top down to the middle line.
  16. Push down to really crease!
  17. Flip the dollar bill over.
  18. Open the last folds and accordion-fold them.
  19. Crease tightly to keep the accordion folds in place.
  20. Open the last folds and then fold only to the first quarter.
  21. Fold a tiny bit of the left and right corners of the right side, as shown in the pictures.
  22. Unfold the last two small folds.
  23. While still working on that small section, fold the top and bottom sides to the middle line.
  24. Accordion fold one time the right part, keeping a little bit unfolded.
  25. On the middle-right side (right before the “tail”), fold the top and bottom left corners down a little bit.
  26. Fold the bottom and top sides to the middle line, while keeping the ends intact. We’re almost done!
  27. On the right ends of the left side, fold the corners down a tiny bit. This will create the heart shape.
  28. Flip the dollar bill over.
  29. On the heart part, fold the right inner tips so it will look even more like a heart.
  30. Your dollar bill origami heart with cross is ready!


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