Potato Masher Stamping Art – Easy Peasy and Fun

If you want to get your kids into process art, one of the easiest (and super fun) projects you can do is make potato masher stamping art.

This activity is great for all ages, but it’s especially fun for younger kids. You can easily do this art activity with toddlers; stamping is a fun process, and this activity doesn’t require a lot of fine motor skills.

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This stamping art can be done with a single kid as well as in larger groups (adult supervision is always required with younger kids).

How to Make Potato Masher Stamping Art

What you need:

  • potato masher – the more shapes the more fun, but it’s OK if you only use one
  • washable paints
  • paper
  • paper plates or trays

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Paper plates are really handy for projects like this, especially if you don’t have trays that would serve this purpuse.

Pour the paint into the trays or plates. You can work with one paint or use more different colors.

We recommend fewer paints if you are working with one child and more if you are working with a larger group. This will prevent the paint from going to waste.

Eco-friendly tip: if you are using paper plates, spread the paint across the whole paper plate once you are done. You can use the painted paper plate to make a fun paper plate craft with your kids in the future.

Dit the potato mashers in paint. If you have a larger group, you can use one masher with one paint.

Prepare the paper canvas.

Have the kids pick out a color and/or potato masher and stamp it on the paper.

They can stamp it once or they can make more prints.

Use another potato masher, or dip the same one in another color and start stamping.

Different shapes make this activity a whole lot more fun.

If you have another shape, utilize it to make even cooler patterns.

Once done with the stamping, allow the paints to dry.

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