Resist Art with Pastels and Watercolors

Here’s a bright and cheery art project for kids of all ages. This “stained glass” doodle art is a form of resist art using oil pastels and liquid watercolours. The process is fun and fascinating and the results look just like stained glass. They’re pretty enough to frame.

If your kids love experimenting with different art process, they’ll love using this pastel resist art process to make doodles that look like stained glass.

Pastel & Watercolor Resist Art for Kids (Stained Glass Doodles)Pastel & Watercolor Resist Art for Kids (Stained Glass Doodles)

Resist Art that Looks Like Stained Glass

The hooligans love making stained glass art and they love a good resist art project.

kids resist art stained glass paintingskids resist art stained glass paintings

A few of our favourite stained glass projects:

Some of our favourite resist art projects:

This was our first time doing resist art with pastels, and without a doubt, it was one of our best resist art projects yet. Our results were so pretty that we framed our projects so the kids could display them at home.

kid holding resist art paintingkid holding resist art painting

Why is it Called Resist Art?

The reason it’s called resist art is because oil and water are not compatible so the oil pastels resist the watercolours.

What this means is the watercolours won’t be absorbed into the paper when they come in contact with the pastels. This makes it easy to colour all of the sections of your stained glass doodle without your colour seeping into the section next to it.

Oil PastelsOil Pastels

We’ve used a black pastel to make the designs for our project because that give it a real stained glass look, but feel free to use a different colour if you want to experiment with different looks.

Let me show you how it’s done!

Supplies Needed for Pastel and Watercolour Resist Art:

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A note about the paper:

When working with watercolours, it’s best to use heavier paper like card stock or watercolour paper. It won’t become soggy like regular paper does and it’s less likely to warp and buckle.


Make Your Doodle

With a black pastel, make a loopy doodle on your paper, overlapping your lines often. Try to make your line in one continuous stroke, finishing off where you began.

Paint the sections

You can dilute your liquid watercolours with a bit of water or use them at full strength.

We poured our water colours into an ice cube tray and added just a few drops of water to each colour because we wanted our colours to be intense.

kid doodle with oil pastelkid doodle with oil pastel

Using your paintbrush and watercolours, fill in the sections of your doodle, choosing a different colour for each section.

Kids painting pastels with watercolorsKids painting pastels with watercolors

You can use every colour of the rainbow in your stained glass painting, or, if you prefer, you can stick to colours that are similar to each other.

pastel resist art blues and greenspastel resist art blues and greens

Here’s one done in greens and blues that looks lovely.

And below, you can see several done with many different colours..

There’s no right or wrong way to make a resist art doodle. The results will be beautiful every time.

Frame Your Artwork!

framed pastel and watercolour resist artframed pastel and watercolour resist art

Let your painting dry and pop it into a dollar store frame.

Now your child has a custom stained glass doodle to display on a shelf or wall in their room.

More Awesome Art Ideas for Kids

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Starry Night with Melted Crayons

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