Click here to read Shaving Cream Eggs for Easter Tree on Hands On As We Grow®
A messy messy activity ending with a beautiful craft for Easter.
Start by adding shaving cream to a pan. Henry had troubles pushing it hard enough to make it come out.
Add food coloring.
Swirl the colors around.

Swirl some more…
… and end up with a not so pretty color.
Build towers.
Add utensils. Henry used a fork and knife for creating.

Once Henry was about to lose interest.
We added more food coloring.
This time, I added the instruction of only using one finger to swirl the color.

Once the cream was swirled nicely with color, we began making our prints!
I have lots of scrap pieces of scrapbook paper.
I picked papers with a variety of colors and textures.
Step 1: Press paper into the shaving cream mixture.

Step 2: Scrape the shaving cream off the paper using a squeegee.
Henry couldn’t press the scraper hard enough to get a clean swipe, so I had to do another pass.
It should be free of shaving cream. You could probably just scrape it off with your hand or towel if you don’t have a squeegee.

Step 3: Add glitter if you’d like. Henry’s likes!

Here’s our pretty swirly papers waiting to dry.

After a quick clothes change, the clean up was just as fun! I really thought the shaving cream would stick around in the water longer than it did.
Once the papers dried, I cut out egg shapes.

I cut strips of yarn. Henry tried to do the cutting, but his scissors didn’t make it easy to do it.
On the back of each egg, Henry used a sticker to attach the yarn ends.

Then Henry decorated our tree!
Check out our Valentine Countdown Tree to see how we made the tree.
The glitter stuck better on the textured papers.
I love the differences in each egg.

We made way too many eggs, the rest Henry put in his basket.
He also is baking them in his “oven”. Something he says Dad does, too.