Grab these Find and Color the CVC Words Worksheets to work on reading skills and phonemic awareness with kindergarten students. They’re great for literacy centers or extra practice in the classroom.
Why Work on CVC Words?
CVC stands for consonant-vowel-consonant. CVC words follow simple phonics rules, so that each letter makes its sound.
When teaching reading skills, educators start here because they are simple to sound out and don’t break the English language rules.
Once kids understand how to read CVC words, they move on to CVCe words, words with blends and digraphs, and much more complex words!
Find and Color CVC Words Worksheets
A worksheet for each vowel sound gives you five opportunities to practice short vowels. Students will enjoy finding the sounds independently or in small groups. You can also pass them out during whole group lessons so that students can see them together before breaking into groups.
If you have students who don’t like to color, put the worksheets in write-and-wipe pockets and let them mark off the images with a dry-erase marker instead. This way, they can reuse the sheets over and over!
Setting Up This CVC Find and Color Short Vowels Activity
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Supplies Needed for this CVC activity:
- CVC Find and Color Short Vowel Sounds Worksheets (button to get them at the bottom of this post)
- Crayons or dry-erase markers
- snap cubes (optional)
This activity requires very little prep. Print the pages, and you’re ready to use them.
Do you have students who don’t want to color the images as they find them? No problem! Use snap cubes to cover the choices.
Using the CVC Short Vowel Activity
Once you have printed the worksheets, they are ready to use! This makes it simple and easy to pull out whenever you need a resource for working on isolating short vowel sounds.
Students will look at the vowel displayed on the page and color each object with that short vowel sound. For example, if the mat has the letter A, they look for any object with the short A sound in the middle. Next, they will then color, circle, or cross off cat, ham, bat, hat, pan, tag and map!
Finally, they repeat this for each vowel page! There are 7 words included for each short vowel.
Instead of having kids color the images, let them mark them off with cute, seasonal manipulatives or put the pages in write-and-wipe pockets to mark them off with a dry-erase marker. There are many ways to use them.
Many kids can complete this independently thanks to the straightforward, easy-to-follow steps, making it ideal for literacy centers or independent morning work.
Grab the FREE CVC Find and Color the Short Vowel Worksheets below! Use them for literacy centers, fast-finishers, interventions, small groups, homework, and more!
Check out these other useful CVC word resources.
CVC Cut and Paste Word Sorting Worksheets
CVC Middle Vowel Sounds Board Game
Missing Beginning Sounds CVC Word Mats
Missing Middle Sounds CVC Word Mats
Initial Sounds Phoneme Substitution Cards
Middle Sounds Phoneme Substitution Cards
Final Sounds Phoneme Substitution Cards