Swirly Paper Jellyfish Craft for Kids

Wiggly and squiggly, but oh so cute! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, we will show you how to make a swirly paper jellyfish craft for kids.

This is a wonderful classroom project (or a craft to do at home) for when your kids are learning about ocean animals or specifically about jellyfish.

It’s a fun one and, if you are making it in the classroom, makes for the most gorgeous display, especially if your students make them in different colors.

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While we do offer a handy template to make this craft, you or your kids can also draw the parts they need (we have a handy jellyfish drawing tutorial on the website).

Swirly Paper Jellyfish Craft

How to Make the Swirly Paper Jellyfish Craft for Kids

What you need:

  • our printable template (optional)
  • white print paper
  • cardstock in any color of your choosing
  • scissors
  • glue

Step by Step Tutorial

Print the template – pick either the easy-to-color black and white prinout or the colorful version.

Prepare blue cardstock for the sea and six paper strips for the tentacles (we went for pinks and purples, but your kids can pick any colors!).

Have the kids cut out the jellyfish head.

Then, have them place the head on the upper part of the cardstock and trace the bottom part of the head onto it.

This will make the next steps easier as they will know just where to stick the paper strips.

Apply glue above the wavy pencil line.

It’s time to start gluing the paper strips.

Have kids glue them one next to the other.

Now, have them swirl the paper strip gently.

Apply glue to the end of the strip.

And stick the end to the cardboard background. Hold in place for a little bit for the glue to set.

Have kids repeat the steps with other paper strips.

Glue on the jellyfish’s head!

The swirly jellyfish craft is finished!

Swirly Paper Jellyfish Craft TemplateSwirly Paper Jellyfish Craft Template

Get the Jellyfish Craft Template

The printable jellyfish craft template is available to members of the Easy Peasy and Fun membership.

To access the template, log in to your account or become a member.

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