Twig Reindeer Ornaments (with ribbon scarves)

These twig reindeer ornaments are made with small Y-shaped twigs collected in the yard. Add ribbon or yarn scarves, pom pom noses and googly eyes, and you’ll have a set of adorably goofy, tiny reindeer to hang on the Christmas tree.

See all of our reindeer ornaments and crafts here.

Twig Reindeer with Scarf Ornaments

The inspiration for these tiny twig reindeer ornaments came from the “rascally reindeer” twigs we made several years ago. Those reindeer were made with larger twigs, and we used them for a fun daily activity that my toddlers and preschoolers loved (you can read about it here).

Quick and Easy! Make a whole bunch!

Today’s twig reindeer ornament is a smaller version. These little guys are about the length of my thumb. It’s a and easy project, so you can make a whole bunch in no time, to scatter all over your tree.

Because these twig reindeer are small and light, they’re perfect for attaching to a Christmas gift or card as well.

Make a twig hunt part of the activity

Collecting your twigs is an activity in itself. Send the kids in search of Y-shaped twigs in your yard, or go for a hike around your neighbourhood or in nature and collect them along your way.

Instructions for Twig Reindeer Ornaments

jingle bells, googly eyes, red pom poms, twigsjingle bells, googly eyes, red pom poms, twigs


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  • small but sturdy Y-shaped twigs
  • garden snippers
  • glue gun
  • red pom poms
  • ribbon/yarn
  • jingle bells or decorative beads/buttons (optional)
  • brown paint/paintbrush (optional – we did not paint our twigs)
  • metallic thread (for hanging)

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Make Tiny Reindeer Ornaments

  1. Collect Twigs

    Take the kids out to the yard or on a walk to collect your twigs.
    Look for small, sturdy Y-Shaped twigs that can be trimmed to 2-3 inches.

  2. Trim Twigs

    With the garden snips, trim the twigs to about 2-3 inches in length. Remove any large lumps and loose bark.

  3. Paint twigs (optional)

    If your kids want to paint their twigs, this is the time to do it. Let dry.

  4. Add scarf

    Tie some yarn or a piece of ribbon around the straight part of the twig.

  5. Add face

    Glue a pom pom nose just above the scarf and two googly eyes at the base of the ‘Y”.

  6. Add embellishments (optional)

    Attach a bell, bead or button to your reindeer’s scarf.

  7. Add hanging thread

    Knot a piece of metallic thread tightly around one of your reindeer’s antlers. Tie the loose ends together and secure with a knot.

Now hang your adorable twig reindeer on the Christmas tree or attach them to gifts you’ll be giving this Christmas.

And check out our Rascally Reindeer Countdown to Christmas activity if you have any larger sticks leftover.

More Twig Christmas Ornaments:

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