Valentine Card Idea Using a Fun and Easy Winter Birds Art Project

Create this adorable winter birds art project with your child for someone special.  A sweet homemade valentine’s day card for kids to make.

The birch trees in the background are so easy to make too. A winter art project your child will love to make.

Here’s how to make this winter birds art project…

Valentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On ItValentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On It

Homemade Valentine’s Day Card

Here’s a fun project to make with the kids for Valentine’s Day or anytime to give a little sparkle to someone’s smile.  It incorporates several different art techniques all into one project too but can be done by multiple ages. A printable Valentine card is included too! Who’s heart will make sparkle?

“Tweet Tweet” You Make My Heart Sparkle Greeting Card  


To create your Winter Bird Card you will need the following Supplies

  • White paper {for water coloring}
  • Colored paper {Card}
  • Watercolors
  • Paintbrush
  • White ink or paint
  • Cotton Tip Swab
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Crayons 

Winter Birds Art Project Directions

1. To start your card you need to have your child create a design with crayons on a white piece of paper.  Encourage them to make repetitive designs but any marks will do, perfect for little ones too!  

2. Then use water colors to paint over the crayon design and allow to dry.

Heart Pieces for Winter Bird from The Educators' Spin On ItHeart Pieces for Winter Bird from The Educators' Spin On It

3. Paint Birch Tree using black paint on stripes of white paper and allow to dry. 

4. Fold the colored paper in half to create a card to give to someone special.  Write inside a special note to someone you love.   A special message you may want to use is “ You Make My Heart Sparkle” (See below for the printable)  

5. Cut out shape for bird using a half circle, small beak, 4 hearts of similar size and a large heart and using glue assemble bird onto Colored paper. 

Valentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On ItValentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On It

6. Then using glitter sprinkle onto the largest heart for the bird to hold. 

7. Once dry glue glitter heart onto page and draw string from bird’s mouth. 

8. Using white ink stamp all over the card to make the snow. 

Winter Birds Card from The Educators' Spin On It for Valentines' Day #eduspinWinter Birds Card from The Educators' Spin On It for Valentines' Day #eduspin

9. Give your special winter bird to someone you love and make their heart SHINE this Valentine’s Day!  

Printable Valentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On ItPrintable Valentine Card Idea with Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On It

FREE PRINTABLE Valentine Message

Winter Birds Heart Card from The Educators' Spin On ItWinter Birds Heart Card from The Educators' Spin On It

This Card was created for the 31 Days of Love Project at Red Ted Art

Want to share a little more love for winter birds? 

Check out our Bird Seed Heart Project for the 100th Day of School.

Heart Birdseed for Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On It Heart Birdseed for Winter Birds from The Educators' Spin On It

Or see check out another way to make the Winter Birch Trees here.

For more Homemade Valentine Card Ideas visit our 20 Valentine Card Ideas for School

Create 20 adorable homemade Valentines for kids to bring to their classmates, all inspired by Pinterest. One of a kind Valentines your child can make.Create 20 adorable homemade Valentines for kids to bring to their classmates, all inspired by Pinterest. One of a kind Valentines your child can make.

For more ideas on how to Make a Greeting Card with Kids

You Make My Heart Sparkle Printable Card from the Educators' Spin On It (1)You Make My Heart Sparkle Printable Card from the Educators' Spin On It (1)

Who will you send a little sparkle to this Valentine’s Day?

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