Valentine Magnet Maze STEM Challenge

Have you heard the phrase opposites attract? That’s definitely the case with magnets. Magnets have a north pole and a south pole. If you put the north pole of one magnet next to the south pole of another magnet, they attract each other. If you put two south poles or two north poles together, they repel each other.

My mini magnet mazes are among my favourite science activities for younger children. They can be designed however you want, so open up lots of great creative science opportunities.

Print my template or create your own on a sheet of card. The only other materials you need are scissors, a paperclip and a magnet!

Template for a Valentine's Day Magnet Maze. A great science activity for learning about magnetism

Magnet Maze for Valentine’s Day

You’ll need





Template for a mini magnet maze themed for Valentine's Day


Use scissors to cut the bee and maze from the card.

Attach a paperclip to the bee and place it at the start of the maze.

Place the magnet under the bee and use it to move the bee through the maze.

Bee and flower magnet maze
Mini magnet maze themed for Valentine's Day

Extension task

Set up an investigation to find out whether magnets work through other materials. Try placing a piece of paper between two magnets and then a thin book and a thicker book.

Try one of my other easy magnet experiments for kids.

Valentine's Day magnet maze STEM Challenge

Last Updated on February 5, 2025 by Emma Vanstone

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