Winter Bingo Game For Preschool + Kindergarten

When it’s too cold to go outside and play this winter, why not grab a hot chocolate and these fun Winter Bingo cards for a fun-filled winter themed time. These Winter Bingo cards are great for getting everyone, families, homeschoolers and classrooms, together in a fun playful way! Find some Free Printable Bingo Cards for Kids here.

winter bingo game


This Winter Bingo pack contains 30 Bingo game mats that are in color and also in black and white. You can print out the black and white copy and have children color it in to create their own unique Bingo Board.

You can also use the Bingo calling cards as vocabulary cards, spelling cards and/or print out 2 copies to create a memory matching game.

Materials Required:

  • Cardstock ~ to print the cards and boards out on
  • Laminator ~ to laminate the cards and boards
  • Bingo chips or markers to place on the boards

With thirty-two calling cards containing all different Winter related images children will love exploring words that form a part of the winter season. Add on the winter dress up or snowman dress up magnet activity for more winter themed fun.

Each of the thirty different bingo boards, each containing twenty-five different images. These boards contain the name of the image for as well to help children with matching the images to the words.

How to prepare the game:

Choose which set you want to use, the black and white or the color copy. Then print on to cardstock, cut out the calling cards and then you are good to go!

If you plan to re-use the set then laminate the bingo boards.

Store together in a clear document folder with the calling cards held together in a zip lock bag as well as a zip lock bag containing manipulatives that can be used as markers on the boards.

There are two options available for this Winter-themed bingo pack; a very pretty, colorful version and a black and white for those who want to save their color ink.

The black and white version can be used creatively by having children color in their bingo game board mat.

Looking for the freebie? Check out the Bingo Winter Activity Freebie here.

Get the pack here:


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