Yarn Painting For Kids (Huichol Style Yarn Art)

With this Huichol-inspired yarn painting activity, kids can create a vibrant, textured piece of art using just yarn and glue. The process is relaxing, and low-mess, and will keep kids busy for hours.

Huichol Inspired Yarn Art Owl and Flower

My daycare kids love crafting with yarn, so Huichol-style yarn painting has been on our to-do list for a while.

What is Huichol Yarn Painting?

Huichol yarn painting is a style of Mexican yarn art. Traditional Huichol yarn art is made by spreading beeswax on a board and then pressing brightly coloured yarn into to the wax to make a vibrant image or design.

No Beeswax required for this kid-friendly version

You can do this process at home with your kids without the beeswax though. All you need is a canvas of some sort (see suggestions below), colourful yarn and glue.

Best Age for this Activity

Making a yarn painting with this method does take some time, but that’s kind of nice because it will keep your kids busy for a few hours, or they can come and go from it for several days.

I would recommend this activity for kids 8 and up as it does require patience and advanced fine-motor skills.

Related: 51 Projects, Hobbies and Pastimes for Tweens and Teens

Alternative For Younger Children

Younger children will enjoy this simple yarn and contact paper version of the activity.

See all of our yarn crafts here.

Yarn, Foam Tray, Glue, PencilYarn, Foam Tray, Glue, Pencil


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Suggested canvases:

Step photos how to make yarn art flowerStep photos how to make yarn art flower


STEP 1: With a pencil, draw a picture on your canvas. Note: The larger and more detailed your drawing is, the longer it will take to fill it in with yarn. A simple drawing may be best for your first attempt.

STEP 2: Starting with one section of your drawing (i.e. flower petal or leaf) squeeze a thin line of glue along your pencil line.

STEP 3: Cut a length of yarn and press it into the glue with your fingers or toothpick or popsicle stick.

TIP: Your fingers may get glue on them. Frequently wipe them with on the damp cloth to keep the yarn from sticking to them. Keep a damp cloth nearby to wipe them on . This will prevent the yarn from sticking to your fingers.

STEP 4: Once you have your yarn outline, fill in the area with a thin layer of glue.

STEP 5: Select a new colour of yarn and fill in the section, working from the outer-most part of the section to the center. Use your toothpick to push the yarn into any tight corners or spaces. Feel free to switch to a new colour whenever you wish.

Flower made with yarn and glueFlower made with yarn and glue

Continue working in this fashion, outlining and filling in the sections of your drawing until your yarn painting is complete!

Yarn painting - owl and flowerYarn painting - owl and flower

Aren’t these pieces so vibrant and lovely? What a wonderful way to make a unique and colourful piece of art using scraps of yarn and glue!

Your child may also like:

  • Circle Weaving
  • Guatemalan Worry Dolls
  • Straw Weaving
  • Paper Plate and Yarn Bowls

Boredom Busters for Kids!

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