Painted Lollipop Father’s Day Card for the “Sweetest Pop”

If you’re looking for a really quick and easy homemade Father’s card idea, this painted lollipop Father’s Day card is the perfect way for kids to tell Dad what a “sweet Pop” he is on his special day.

My daycare kids have made a bunch of terrific Father’s Day cards over the years. Last year, we made popsicle cards for the “coolest Pops” and this year, I thought it would be fun to make these lollipop cards for the “sweetest Pops”.

I played around with a few ideas, making lollipops out of twisted tissue paper and then out of yarn, but it turns out the easiest way to make a lollipop is to just decorate a cardboard circle with some paint and glitter.

Add a stick and a bow, and voila… a swirly, whirly lollipop that looks good enough to eat.

Hey Lovely!

I have the SWEETEST homemade Father's Day card to share with you today! 

This one is SUPER-EASY to make, and oh my gosh, it is ADORABLE!!

If you're not a fan of glitter, don't worry... the glitter is optional. 

All ages will enjoy making this one. 

Check out how darn cute it is! Go! Go!  Just click the link below. xx Hey Lovely!

I have the SWEETEST homemade Father's Day card to share with you today! 

This one is SUPER-EASY to make, and oh my gosh, it is ADORABLE!!

If you're not a fan of glitter, don't worry... the glitter is optional. 

All ages will enjoy making this one. 

Check out how darn cute it is! Go! Go!  Just click the link below. xx

If you’re not a fan of glitter, don’t worry, the glitter is optional. The lollipops actually look great without it. Adding glitter was just a last minute thought, and I love the sparkle and dimension it adds to the card.

We painted our lollipops with a simple swirl pattern, but if you want to get really fancy, have a look at our lollipop Christmas ornaments for inspiration.

These really are the easiest Father’s Day cards we’ve ever made, so they’re perfect if you’ve left your card-making to the last minute.

“Sweet Pop” Lollipop Father’s Day Card


  • cardboard
  • paint (we used acrylic craft paint)
  • drinking straw or craft stick *
  • ribbon
  • glue
  • glitter
  • paintbrush
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • card stock

Alternatives for the stick:

* If you don’t have a straw or a craft stick, you could use a real lollipop stick, a stir stick, a pipe cleaner or you could just draw it on.

Lollipop Father’s Day Card How-To:

  1. Prepare your cardboard lollipop.

    Trace a circle on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. We traced the lid of a Pringles can. Give this circle a coat of white paint. kid painting cardboard circle whitekid painting cardboard circle white

  2. Paint your Lollipop

    Once the white paint is dry (or close to dry), dip a slim paintbrush into some coloured paint and paint a swirly spiral, starting at the center of the cardboard circle, all the way out to the edge. kid painting pink lollipopkid painting pink lollipop

  3. Add glitter (optional)

    Once your coloured paint has dried, squeeze some glue in a spiral and sprinkle with one or two colours of glitter. Tap off the excess glitter and allow to dry.glittered swirls on cardboard lollipopglittered swirls on cardboard lollipop

  4. Assemble your card

    Fold a piece of card stock in half and glue your painted, glittered circle to the front of the card, leaving enough room above for some writing.

  5. Add the lollipop stick

    Cut a straw or stir stick, or whatever you’re using, underneath the circle, leaving enough room below for some writing.

  6. Add a bow

    Tie a ribbon into a bow and glue to the top of the stick.sweetest pop blue lollipop cardsweetest pop blue lollipop card

  7. Add your message

    Write a “sweet” Father’s Day message on your card.

4 lollipop father's day cards horizontal image4 lollipop father's day cards horizontal image

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