Yarn-Wrapped Cardboard Initial Ornaments – Happy Hooligans

If you’re looking for a quick and easy Christmas ornament for tweens and teens to make today, these Yarn-Wrapped Cardboard Initials are great! All you need is cardboard, yarn and buttons, and you’ll have a personalized letter ornament to hang on the Christmas tree or to give to a friend.

Kids love the first letter of their name, and there are so many different ways to you can make and decorate that letter and turn it into an adorable Christmas ornament. A few ways we’ve done this in the past are these:

We’ve also made these large yarn-wrapped letters for the kids to display on a shelf in their bedroom.

Today’s yarn wrapped initial ornaments are a smaller version of those, and we’ve added some buttons to some of them to make them a little more whimsical.

Cardboard letter J wrapped with colourful yarn and decorated with buttonsCardboard letter J wrapped with colourful yarn and decorated with buttons

This is such a fun and easy craft, and it’s great for all ages. It helps to strengthen fine motor skills and co-ordination and it’s a fun way to use up some of the scrap balls of yarn that you have stashed away.

I hope your kids enjoy making these as much as we did!


  • cardboard
  • pencil/ruler
  • scissors
  • yarn
  • buttons
  • glue or low heat glue gun
  • hole punch
  • thread or yarn for hanging


Time needed: 30 minutes

Yarn-Wrapped Initial Ornaments

  1. Draw and Cut Out Your Cardboard Letter

    Draw your letter on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. You can do this freehand, or print off a letter template here if you’d rather. Child cutting letter S out of cardboardChild cutting letter S out of cardboard

  2. Wrap with Yarn

    Depending on the letter you’re wrapping, you may want to wrap with one long strand of yarn (working straight from the ball) or you may want to wrap your initial in sections, using several shorter strands of yarn.

    When starting to wrap, you can either tape the yarn to the cardboard, or you can just trap that loose end of yarn under as you wrap. To finish, glue the tail of the yarn to the backside of the ornament, or tuck it in with a needle and thread.

    Note: Curvy letters are easier to wrap than letters with sharp angles. hardboard letter J partly wrapped with colourful yarnhardboard letter J partly wrapped with colourful yarn

  3. Add buttons

    Glue some colourful buttons to the front side of your ornament using white glue or a low-heat glue gun. letter J Christmas tree ornament with buttonsletter J Christmas tree ornament with buttons

  4. Add a thread for hanging

    If the cardboard is bare at the top of your ornament, you can use a hole punch or a sharp pencil to make a hole for the hanging thread. If the cardboard is covered completely in yarn, simply slip your thread under a strand of yarn near the top of the ornament to make your hanging loop. child wrapping cardboard initial with red, green and white yarnchild wrapping cardboard initial with red, green and white yarn

Yarn Wrapped Cardboard Initials on Christmas TreeYarn Wrapped Cardboard Initials on Christmas Tree

That’s all there is to it!

Now, go and hang your pretty yarn-wrapped initial ornament on your Christmas tree!

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